1. Blog Address
Where are you documenting the development of Extended Practice online?
This blog.
2. Subjects and Themes
Broadly speaking what are you interested in exploring and why?
I'm interested in exploring making a short film for festival submission.
3. Statement of Intent
Specifics of what you want to do, during this module?
If you plan on working on multiple briefs to demonstrate your practice, identify clearly each brief.
I would like to make a short film telling the tale of two cowboy kids in a town which has a wanted man that's shot the dad of the kids and they hunt him down and it ends in fight in the Saloon, including some famous wrestling moves. The whole film will have wrestling eggs in it just for randomness, including the town being called Dusty Roads after the wrestler has recently passed.I'm not sure I can complete it in fourteen weeks to festival standard so I'm going to use PPP to do all the marketing and promo and finishing off of the short if need be, I'd rather not rush that.
4. Explain how this will be developing your Specialist Practice?
I still haven't defined my specialist practice so I don't really know maybe completing this project will help decide what I want to do.
Resources and Workshops
What do you need and by When?
Nothing needed from college.
5. Will you be working on a group project or brief?
( If YES explain )
I hope to have a few people collaborate on the project to make the work load easier.
Are there any stakeholders in your project?
If YES, explain who they are and what their responsibilities are? - This is essential if you've got a Live Brief from a client.
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