Monday, 20 January 2014

Hand Drawn Animation Complete

I'm overly happy with the completed outlines. To get to this stage has taken some serious dedication and I know colouring is going to be a massive task and I've only got ten days to get all the colouring done so I'm going to have to test some quick ways I can get through it. But with the actual movement I'm really happy so far with how it's looking. I think that audio is going to make it really successful. I was a little bit concerned because I've made quite a lot of changes to the original animatic plan. I actually scrapped a couple of panels of the storyboard, the close up of her face has gone for continuity purpose as I didn't think about her getting up onto her hands and then why would her hands be on her face and then go back to be on the rock later on. I also cut down one of the scenes because it seemed to looking quite long but this worked out well because I had extra frames I was able to keep the opening scene with her face which showed for half second to a full second, and I also repeated the part where her eyes open and close to the night sky, because that flashed past really fast. So i think this works as it adds to the coherency of the story. With these extra added frames it does mean that this clip is actually only 238/240 frames therefore I have repeated 237 and 236 and I'll colour them in slightly differently to add to keep the consistency of 12fps. Overall I'm really pleased with my progress, but i am abundantly aware I haven't kept up to date with blogging so as colouring goes to take breaks I'll try muscle some in.

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