Saturday, 19 March 2016


This is ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling), and probably one of the most outrageous matches in wrestling history. Sabu comes out chained up like an animal they release him and he's a high flyer with a lot of fast moves gets slammed against the railings and continues to fight even with broken ribs. It's matches like this that break the fourth wall of wrestling being set up because the injuries are so real but the wrestlers fight through the pain to put on a good show.


- A lot of the indie circuit is more believable because of the lower production budget, so because it looks like a home video it's less sports entertainment and is more cut throat. Also they seem to take less regard especially in CCW the wrestlers are crazy, sometime they get noticed by WWE but more often than not they have too many screws loose to be taken on and trained to be a WWE wrestler as WWE is a lot "Softer" theres not crazy weapons. However Dean Ambrose is an exception to this and because of this it makes him an excellent wrestler for WWE as he doesn't mind having the crap beaten out of him for the sake of a good show. Sometimes it's worrying how many concussions and injuries wrestlers get, and there was one wrestler, Chris Renoir, who suffered so many concussion's they think it is what caused him to murder his wife and child. It was generally shots to the head, including being hit by a chair, a famous case of a head injury is when Stone Cold Austin was dropped on his head by Owen Hart and couldn't move and was almost paralysed due a piledriver. So even though it's fake the matches are still dangerous. (Summer Slam '97).

The main reason I looked at ECW

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