Thursday, 20 March 2014

Sketches of Raoul Duffy

Raoul Dufy is an artist I have always admired growing up, in my Fathers house there is a very large poster of one of his paintings framed, (the one that came from the second sketch on this page), and the colours always struck me as the type you see on holiday and in summer. In school I eventually came to learn about Fauvism, french for 'the wild beasts,' it was so inspiring to hear about these men that had pushed the boundaries of painting and following on from artist's like Turner they were moving forward with what it means to paint. Of course at the time I think we only looked at Matisse and Derain in detail. But at this time all I wanted to wanted to do is paint in vivid colours.

It wasn't until I went to London for the weekend in January, and visited the Cartoon Museum, I had the priveledge and the pleasure of seeing some of Raoul Dufy's rough sketches in person. At first I was so shocked with the drawing quality, you can't deny that as standalone's they don't look perfect. They are just rough guides, but there is so much confidence with line making, especially with this one to the left, lines aren't sketchy, there a boldness to there conviction.

Just how there's a boldness to the painting, this artist had such an eye for colour and manages to capture how he sees the world, it so personal, I am envious because I wish I saw the world in such bold colours too.

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