Friday, 17 October 2014

Modelling in Maya

17th Oct
Always set project

ctrl + spacebar, taps between making the workspace full screen

Modelling tools

Several surfaces you can model in, in maya.

  1. Polygons,
Components are faces, edges and vertices. 
If you right click on a created polygon primitive (cube, pyramid etc) you can scale each of these.
Main modelling on

  1. Raster image
Pixel modelling.

  1. NURBS
Same a vector graphic, has no edges very mathematical.

  1. Normal objet mode
  2. will present you with a preview with a cage, a bit smoother
  3. smooth mode!
  4. wire frame mode
  5. shaded mode
  6. textures mode

Window - Outliner.
Very Important. 
It allows you quick access to all your shapes.

CMD + D duplicates a shape.
don’t use copy and paste.

Poly plane for ground.

Like a composition in after effects. CMD G to group items together

Children of parent follow parent. All the children are children of an object where as the group is from null so you have to select from outliner.

x = grid

To move pivot point go to move and hold D down, snap to vertices and hold onto where you want the shape to snap too.

Make a truck. 

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