Wednesday, 21 January 2015

3D Motion Graphics

I saw this motion graphics piece, for Person of the Year (Ukraine) on vimeo and fell in love with the shiny leaves (which I appreciate might not be everyone's taste), but felt that 3D CG animation is prevalent in the industry. Alexey Romanowsky mainly creates motion graphics in Cinema 4D and some have even been taken on by the software as templates, but this is one of his earlier ones that I chose to comment on because although I really like it I think theres a few things that could be improved in this one, whereas the others are super professional and look amazing. I think the particles to form the title move too slowly and the leaves go too fast. I think it would of been nicer if the leaves had of grown out individually or with a bit more follow through because it doesn't flow in an organic form. I also think a better music choice could of been made, but I know the eastern europeans like there cheesy music.

After looking at Romanowsky's work I thought I'd look into other motion graphics, because I know that when it comes to computer generated motion graphics they often tend to look a lot more individual than short films. I think this is because they are on the screen for less time you have a higher ratio of time to spend on designing them to the amount of screen time.

This is the 2008 Motion Design Demo Reel of John Eickholt. I noticed on vimeo that a lot of his work he makes in Maya, some of it I thought was just done in After Effects but he has used Maya. So I thought this was really interesting choice to choose the 3D package over after effects. I was impressed by the quantity of work in his demo reel. But you need to look into his other pieces to see how he makes them so simple to appreciate them, and I just don't think people have time for that.

Motion Graphics Showreel 2009 from VectorMeldrew on Vimeo.

So I also thought I'd put in this Showreel from 2009 as a comparison to the previous one, because I think this one has some stronger 3D motion graphics in. The about to blow, stands out, whereas the other one has a strong start but none of them particularly stand out. I don't know whether it's because in this one it's sandwiched between a lot of fairly average motion graphics that look like they've been done in after effects. So although I think the previous one has consistency, I think if I was hiring someone I would go with this one because there's potential in there.

Motion Graphics/3D Reel 2010 from Vidiotism / Bo Mikael Hall on Vimeo.

Finally I've used this showreel, which I thought was incredible. It's a lot more 3D motion graphics heavy, but they are a lot stronger piece than the best pieces in the other two. What I like about it, is how they've disected how they've made some of the motion graphics in the software package and included it in the showreel. I think they are stronger pieces because there's a lot more detail and I think it just looks more professional and like a lot more time has gone in to make each one.

The limitation that I think comes with motion graphics is that you have to put in a lot of time to get a decent quality piece for not much air time, so it needs to be different and to stand out, which is why I think 3dCG design is pushed more in motion graphics, which is why I was swayed to write a blog on it.

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