Sunday, 18 January 2015

Final Crit and Improvements

 After showing my playblast at the final crit, I got a lot of feedback for improvements.

1. Bring the ye controller up at the end, so Moom doesn't look possessed.

2. Make sure his arms don't go through his body or his head during the performance, particularly during the section where he dances to the clothes I'm wearing.

3. Feet don't slide they need to come up and then down again.

4. Add more hip action to make it look more feminine, remember the Rita Hayworth blog post?

5. If you have time add follow through to the arm actions.

I started off by changing the colours of Moom using the Hypershade, I had previously tried to make Moom a Boob Tube and skirt with two black cylinders, but they kept having key frames set on them and therefore this ruined the parenting. But i'm really happy with the look Moom has now I think it's much better.

These shots below are from when I was animating Moom for the Crit. I got very stressed at him for not behaving. So I wasn't looking forward to doing the amendments.

The first set of amendments I made was on fixing the sliding feet. At four seconds I noticed there's a little bit of sliding and at 7 seconds there's a jump that looks really unrealistic, he just doesn't land fast enough. So I had another go at it, I found it very infuriating as now I'd changed the colours, it wasn't playing in Maya so I had to keep play blasting it.

Here I added rotation to the feet so rather than sliding it looks like he's pivoting on his heels I think this adds to the illusion of it not being quite right.

During this playblast I added a lot of extra hip wiggle. This was really difficult to do without seeing it play in real time. So I made some more amendments to fix this.

Then the arms went through the body so I had to fix this, and I tried to add follow through but the graph editor was a mess so I moved all the joints seperately on individual frames to make it look like follow through. I think this was the hard way to do it, but I'm pleased with the results.

For my final amendments I just made lots of little tweaks and went back to the feet because I still wasn't happy with the jumps.

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