Friday, 6 February 2015


Food Glorious Food!

I'm really intrigued by this brief, because the heartache of abattoirs is something that has always fascinated me. I'm very lucky to have had Anna to ask me to work with because she's interested in stop motion like I am, and is amazing at creating the little things and I think with her set dressing and my direction we are going to make an amazing team.

So during the briefing we were shown some really amazing food related animations, however, a lot of them I have already looked at for previous modules. Such as the End Overfishing and this one...

Chipotle "Back to the Start" from Nexus on Vimeo.

Even though I looked at this for Character and Narrative, what I really liked is the hybrid animation, is how it's a set with 3DCG characters on top. I think hybrid animation is something we could consider, but I think we both love making things too much. But we can see.

I really really enjoyed this animated song, about being organic, and I think it's great to be shown such a wide range of different types of documentation, because it makes you realise how you actually aren't limited at all. So we decided first of all we want to do something quite dark, and Anna, is really good with creating animals, so we looked into abattoirs and slaughterhouses and meat production.

We watched a lot of video's regarding the meat production, which I'll do a seperate post on, the one that really stuck with us is this one. I spent the afternoon in the session crying, the way they are killed so brutally isn't standard procedure, but obviously it is a reality that cruelty does go on. We aren't trying to turn people vegan with the storyline, but more trying to raise awareness of a happier procedure. The fact the cow cries is heart breaking.

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