Anna's done some simple character sketches, that we have decided to take one each, so Anna's going to take care of the lanky fellow, and I'll take the stocky sod on the far right. We've decided we really need to get to know the character and have a deeper understanding, so as a task for tuesday (when we have agreed to next work on the project) we are going to do eight drawings of them to develop them and then we will take the best bits from each and crit each others work and get a final drawing, life size so we can take it down to metal work.
I emailed Leon, because I thought the armatures on animation toolkit aren't as good as I would like. I think the hands could be a lot better and so on, but his response say that they are actually good value for money, because of the amount of time it will save making the armature. Which is fair enough so we have also each ordered an armature and a rig for the two butchers.
I also started drawing the background of the sets,
It's in pencil to start with so that anna can draw on top her carcasses, and I can paint in the detail after for the pitch. We were able to use this to do a bird's eye view of the set design and think about the nitty gritty of the size of the set. We came to the conclusion that we think it's best to have the lockers and clocking in section in a separate set and then we can really open up the abattoir, to get the camera in funky positions and so forth.
So this is the revised floor plan and little sketch of the locker room which again is just the early stages so anna can add details and I can make it all colourful for the pitch. I am super excited by this project. We've got some basic measurements of walls and have decided not to attatch them to the ground so we can move them if we need to get the camera in so they can all have props on the back. We've all decided where the greenscreen walls need to go, and add a plastic curtain and a bit where the cows can come in. I'm not going to personally focus on these little details, I'm going to leave these for Anna, and whilst she draws on top the little logisitics, I'm going to do some material tests this weekend, and do practice tiling and cement looking flooring tests. My step dad's a builder and I'm going home this weekend so it's a great time to raid the garage and pick his brains about what will work best. We have also given great thought to the grating in the floor and thought rather than doing steel sheeting with could use laser cut thin pieces of wood, as we didn't think card would be strong enough. After Annabeth has done his talk, I'm going to do a second set of drawings of the basics of the slaughterhouse so Anna has more to work with and I'm also going to research more into actual slaughter houses and print some pictures so she has something to work out the little details from.
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