Sunday 1 May 2016

HeadSpace Cowboy Animations

I've included these that I've just come across because they look like they are done in after effects and it's a different style of an animation and has a cowboy in. I think it's cute, really simple. A part of me likes it, it has a really corporate style. Which is nice, and I'd like to justify why I didn't do my animation like this, because I could have and I could have probably had it finished by now if I'd of done it this way. For me this project represents the last time I'm going to have time to have creative freedom on a big project, and when I graduate I"m either going to go into assisting productions/being a producer and so I won't have this amount of time again so I wanted to make the most of it doing my long winded painterly style, because I know I won't get to again. This meant sacrificing the quantity of the entire film for a small chunk for submission. But I remain confident that now I've got a good start on the project that I can finish it for the end of year show. Although I like this style of animation done in these video's I just don't feel like it's personal enough because there's no auteur signature stamp on it, any corporate studio could have made it.

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