Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Research into more sophisticated camera angles to inspire storyboards

Master Shots 2nd Edition

So I got given this amazing book as a little present, and I thought this is fantastic, this is going to be able to inspire my storyboard skills for this module. Well I'm heavily disappointed because most of the shots involve the interaction of multiple characters and obviously this is all about us and an individual performance. So I've been through the book twice and picked out a couple of shots I think look professional and could work for this module.

Shot 2.1 Travel with subject
I can see this shot really emphasising the movement if the camera moves in time with Moom. It means him and all his accessories will stay in detail. And you can give the impression of other being there without having them on screen. For example the book suggest that this shot is most effective in chase scenes. 

Now I chose this shot 8.3, Change of Direction, because even though the example used is with another person coming in and 'stealing' the screen time I think actually if you had Moom dancing or moving in one direction then moving into another if the camera moved it could give a different perspective of the movement and this could make it more interesting for the audience. I also thought it followed on from 2.1 because the two shots could be combined.

Then the final shot I saw that i thought could be really useful for this project is one where Moom could lunge at the camera to really emphasise the lyrics.

Because this book wasn't as helpful as I thought it was going to be for this module, I decided to also just include these on this blog just to show that I am looking for inspiration and I'm not just going into my storyboard without any idea about shots and composition. I think seeing as there isn't much in Moom that's our design we need to put a lot of work into making sure the animation is perfect, and it'd help if we had the best shots to show that off. Even if the character was our design it'd still be worthwhile doing to show it off in the best light possible.


There's a lot of movement in this camera angle and although I think this is a bit extreme. In Maya it's something you can really play with and it doesn't matter if you get it wrong because it's not like your wasting actors time it's all good development of your own time.

Breakfast in Paris from Breakfast in Paris on Vimeo.

I really like the consideration in this animation that's gone on into all the different angles. From low down to make someone look badder and bigger and scarier. I think the height of the camera is something I need to think about to make it not look flat.

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